Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Good morning everyone!

So it looks like autumn is here. A few weeks ago I'd walk or sprint in the morning and it would be nice and sunny outside at 6:30 AM. Now it is still dark and pretty gloomy, boo. I always get a little sad when fall comes, I love spring and summer so much, especially the nice long days.

But all is not sadness and despair, no! :) This morning I went for a nice long walk around my neighborhood and noticed something that I LOVE about autumn, and that is: MUSHROOMS!

I used to go mushroom hunting a lot when I lived up north. Now, well, I don't have any mushroom hunting spots in Southern Cal (except the poison ones growing in my neighborhood). Maybe it's time for a road trip soon!?!

But guess where I found awesome shrooms? At the farmer's market. I got some chanterelles this morning. YUMMY! Saute them up in some butter...heaven. Sure it's better when you find them in the woods yourself...
Any mushroom hunters out there? Ever notice that when you eat them you can get a some kind of primal energy? Wild mushrooms are so mysterious.

On another topic, do you listen to music when you work out? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. But I notice that when I do, I want to go 2x longer. Only problem is that I really really have to force myself to resist singing and dancing in public. Typically I don't mind embarrassing myself, but that just takes it a bit too far. Well, I am a sucky singer too...

What do you listen to when you exercise? Pounding heavy metal or smooth jazz or rap or pop or podcasts or nothing at all? Do you have any recommendations for me? I think I need some new tunes. Please give me your song suggestions! What are your favs? (I like it all...)

Enjoy the day today! Dance and sing a little! :)


  1. I used to listen to my ipod working out but I realized I wasn't really listening to it once I started working out in the PB/EvFit way. I might use it if I was doing long cardio but I don't really do that any more.

  2. Hey Mark! Yes, that makes sense. The quick workout and the intensity really doesn't allow for more than 3-4 songs anyhow.
    I guess I mostly listen to my iPod when I go for long walks.

    Have a great day!

  3. Thanks Carrie! I listened to them a lot in college. I have one of their albums totally memorized...haha!!!! Weird that I just said albums - does that make me old? What do we call it now? Recordings....??? Yikes! No clue. :) Thanks for the rec!
